Rotterdam, January 13 2022  We have recently welcomed a new customer to our RS community – CISA Capitaciones SpAThis organization provides a wide range of technical training in Chile. Needless to say, Response Simulator will be a great addition that will help CISA to further establish their vision – deliver reliable training to safety professionals to further improve their skills and knowledge.  

CISA Capitaciones is a well-known organization providing technical training to various fields including safety and security management. They offer an impressive range of training courses including emergency rescue operations, control of flammable liquids and gas and other. CISA actively follows their mission to deliver high level, professional training to safety and security professionals to improve their improve and learn new technical skills. The organization is flexible and innovative and is ready to execute face-to-face and remote training sessions. 

CISA has acquired an RS license with a 3-year subscription, which will allow for continuous software updates and all-around support. The RS tool is a great addition to the CISA portfolio as it unlocks extensive possibilities for emergency response training in a virtual environment. RS is known for its realistic graphics and immersive experience. We believe it will perfectly fit the vision of CISA – to provide high level and professional training solutions.  

CISA are a well-established first responder training provider in Chile requiring innovative means to deliver world class training across different sectors. We are therefore excited to have supplied them with our Response Simulator (RS) solution with the aim of binding both physical training practices with virtual simulation.”  

– Alexios Limnios, Business Developer – VSTEP

VSTEP’s Commitment

NAUTIS simulators are one of the most advanced maritime simulators available in the market and VSTEP team is always committed to developing the most efficient, innovative and user-friendly maritime simulators, which are not only compliant to industry standards but can also be adapted to comply with local rules and regulations.


VSTEP makes sure that you are prepared for real-life situations with our leading solutions for simulation and virtual training. Our state-of-the-art products allow you to train your skills for every scenario possible in a practical, cost effective and sustainable way. We are a Dutch based and ISO9001:2015 certified company. Stay up-to-date about the developments at VSTEP by subscribing to our newsletter or follow us on Linkedin.